September 11, 2004

The Great Lemurs, No. 2: Lurgo

Mesh-00: Lurgo (1::0).

The Call and its Numbers

The Lemur of the 1::0 rift is called Gl’eiaoung in the Old Muvian Tongue.
Her name in modern Munumese is Lurgo, which Stillwell translates into English as The Initiator.

The name ‘Lurgo’ is apparently based on a reversal of the Munumese quasiphonic particle ‘gl.’

Horowitz phonologically identifies this ‘collapsed gargle’ or ‘glottal spasm’ with the fusion of a gutteral and a liquid. He physiologically situates it in the sublaryngeal region, and associates it with lost gilled/gulping phylogenetic stages of human ancestry.

Horowitz glimpsed something in the Lurgo’s ‘gl’ subphoneme that he saw as essential to the glottopolitics of English as a global language. In the course of further investigating this particle he was drawn into what he referred to as a labyrinth of “glitter-glyphs” where sense is scattered in visual confusion, and began to speak of glamours and glosses, ultimately cascading down into the “gulf-glued glug-logic of the glimmer ghouls,” although precisely what he meant by this remains obscure.

Lurgo, as the first of the Lemurs, is responsible for initiations, door-openings, thresholds, guides and familiars.

The Tzikvik call her Oogvhu, the Immortal Worm of primordial communication.

In Haitian Voodoo her role is taken by Legba, the first and last of the Loa to be invoked in any ritual. Legba’s Lurgo-related characteristics are shared by Madame Centauri’s ‘Celestial messenger’ Logobubb.

Lurgo’s net-span, 1::0, links her to elementary principles of logical and arithmetical discrimination, binary code, the origin of number, being and nonbeing.

During her study of the I Ching, Stillwell became persuaded that due to her ‘elementary net-span’ Lurgo was related with special intensity to the Taoist polarity of Yang and Yin, light and shadow, even suggesting that the I Ching’s code of unbroken and broken lines was the relic of a “primordial language, first enunciated by Lurgo.”

In Black Atlantean traditions the ‘primal alternation’ described by Lurgo’s net-span expresses the distance between divine unity and the void, God and Chaos, an abysmal gulf crossed in every Decadence ritual (opened and closed by Lurgo/Legba/Logobubb).

Lurgo’s net-span (1::0) clicks the 4th Gate (Gt-10), the passage from Zone-4 to Zone-1. The working of the 4th Gate is numerically described by the ‘Pythagorean’ Tetraktys (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 (= 1)). Pythagoras evidently derived this triangular-decimal reversion to unity, and decimal disintegration of unity, from archaic and ultimately Lemurian sources.

Among Black Atlanteans transit through Gt-10 offers a microcosmic recapitulation of the macrocosmic-numogrammatic route from Zone-1 to Zone-0. These relations echo the microcosmic-ceremonial subsidence of Atlantis as the sign of the Cosmic Fall or Great Decadence.

As the only Lemur of the 1st Phase, Lurgo is called the First Door, and also the Door of Doors.

Among the remnants of the Nma she is known as the ‘Queen of Unlockings’ and her sign is inscribed at the entrance of their temples and above the shops of locksmiths.

Lurgo’s mesh number (00) clicks the 0th Gate (Gt-00), linking her to the most occulted region of numogrammatic cartography.

Lurgo’s Sarkon-Tag is 0002.

Quantities and Traits

Lurgo has a pitch of Ana-1 (slight positive imbalance).

Lurgo has no imps, a fact which can be attributed equally to her primordiality or ultimateness. As Peter Vysparov remarked: “Lurgo arrives first and she arrives alone.”

In Vysparov’s Pandemonium Matrix Lurgo is entitled the Plexing Amphidemon of Openings.

Rites of Lurgo

The way of Lurgo has one path or route. This follows her (major) rite [1890].

In the Book of Paths the Rite of Lurgo is described as follows:

1. Original Subtraction.
Ultimate descent through the Depths.
The path favours repeated patience linked by subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the three hidden roads.
Compliance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Immersive nightmares undergo an ominous transition.
Difficulties annihilated in the end.

Lurgo’s rite descends out of time, following the numogrammatic ‘plunge line,’ passing through the 8th gate (Gt-36) which crosses from the lair of Murrumur into that of Uttunul.

Among the neolemurian tantric schools this rite maps yogic practices of Spinal descent into the nest of Kundalini (the “Thothtodlana of the Indus” – Stillwell).

Lurgo’s Rite is evoked, in a mirrored guise, by the contemporary myth of the Kurtz-line, travelling up-river into the Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now.

In the dream sorcery of the Munumese ‘Nago’ the Rite of Lurgo traverses the full passage from consciousness (1) to deep sleep (0) and thus charts a ‘line of oblivion’ which begins in time but does not travel through it.

Horowitz is among those scholars of esoteric Judaism who have become fascinated by parallels between the Rite of Lurgo and the golem myth. In an appendix to his translation of The Book of Paths, he links the ‘Original Subtraction’ to the removal of the initial aleph from the word ‘emet’ (written on the golem’s head) –- an operation required if one is to ‘kill’ a golem. This connection enabled him to exhume an esoteric mystical content to the myth, in which the ‘death’ of the golem symbolizes the opening of a path into the abyss.

The Lair of Lurgo

In the Lemurian Planetworks, Lurgo’s domain (1::0) is situated between the orbits of Mercury and the Sun. Fittingly, the Roman Mercury (Greek Hermes) is entitled ‘the messenger of the gods’ and associated with traffick in all its forms, including communication and trade.

Lurgo nests Minommo (8::0), Murrumur (8::1), Uttunul (9::0), Tutagool (9::1), and Ummnu (9::8). By nesting Ummnu (final Lemur of the Pandemonium Matrix) within herself, Lurgo establishes the basis for the Munumese saying: “the end lies within the beginning.”

The Lurgo Card [7 of Clubs]

In the Centauri Decadence Pack Lurgo is allocated to the 7 of Clubs.
When mapped onto the Atlantean cross in accordance with Mme Centauri’s system, Lurgo corresponds to a plummeting line from the 1st Pylon (memories and dreams) to the 5th Pylon (deep past). Among her oracular implications within Decadence divination are falling in the theocosmic sense, descent into hell, journey to the underworld and pursuit of the ‘Nether-Axis’ to its ultimate conclusion.


The Tale of How We Lost Our Tails

There was a time when Orang Utan had a tail, and so did each of us. That was before Orang Utan made a big mistake, and tried to cheat the demon Lurgo.
It is said that Lurgo dwells between Murrumur and Uttunul, somewhere beneath the bottom of the sea, but above the twins in the furnace. No one knows how Orang Utan found her. Maybe it was easier to swim down with a tail. In any case, everyone agrees about the deal they made down there, which was to swap the stories of the upper and lower worlds. Orang Utan was to collect all that could be told about Oddubb and about Katak, and in exchange Lurgo would open the gate to the underworld. If things had gone this way we would still have our tails.

It was probably Katak who - due to her impatience - gave Orang Utan bad advice, and suggested that by climbing down her tail it would be possible to descend into Uttunul without Lurgo's help. Ever since that time Orang Utan has been too ashamed to admit anything about it, but it must have been something like that, because certainly now Orang Utan has no tail, and neither do any of us.

Posted by nick at September 11, 2004 04:42 AM




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