November 26, 2004

Sexualized Machines

Just a quick thing:


Machinic Concubine

Already the sexualising of the Mechanical begins. Our divergent future has Chrome hidden within pseudoflesh. Already the Machine that may be Owned is existent.

How long before the Machine returns the favour? There are of course many pornographic machine sites out there already. The union with Otherhood begins perhaps sooner than expected?

Posted by Craig at November 26, 2004 05:13 PM




at least one of you dares to be honest about what's behind all the byzantine theorising, then.

Posted by: pf at November 26, 2004 06:51 PM



Depends how you define honesty

Posted by: Craig at November 26, 2004 10:42 PM



Sexualised machine, or machinised sex?

Posted by: tachiiru at November 27, 2004 09:16 AM



Closing the loop would require building machines which seek to copulate with one another to the exclusion of or at least indifferent to human subjects.

Posted by: thistle at November 28, 2004 11:20 PM



>Depends how you define honesty

I define it as exposing frankly the fact that your brand of fevered futurism turns on adolescent masturbatory fantasies involving the obsolescence of the female of the species.

Posted by: pf at November 29, 2004 10:58 AM



>Depends how you define honesty

I define it as exposing frankly the fact that your brand of fevered futurism turns on adolescent onanistic fantasies involving the obsolescence of the female of the species.

Posted by: pf at November 29, 2004 10:58 AM



In regard to thistle's comment:

This is essentially the nature of Chrome. By fusing the Metal and Flesh, those who are unChromed - or traditional humans - essentially become an irrelevancy to the Chromed. They are merely breeding stock, and remain so until the Chromed may replicate on their own terms. They then remain curiosities - or as scientific controls which can be used to retrace the steps taken down a developmental track which turns out to be dangerous or ineffective.

To pf:

Oblescence of the female?

On the contrary, Chrome itself is Other. I'm male. The Other to the male, in its most obvious manifestation is female. To say that the essay and thoughtlines lead to the removal of the female is misunderstanding.

Since the dawn of time, humanity has constructed artificial things to service its psychosexual needs. It is as simple as fingers or as hands combined with fantasy, ranging upward to the technology of the modern vibrator.

Futurism requires extension. It is a line of escape, Phantastical in nature. Without science fiction we would not have satelites and many other technologies.

The psychosexual complex is an inherent part of human experience, necessary for species survival. Thusly, futurism has a sexual space. Exploration of these spaces is necessary for the attempts to render the signposts to the Noumenal/Other which mythmakers leave behind.

Call it what you will, but perhaps one of the easiest ways to approach such a process is to look at it in a so-called 'primitive sense'.

Posted by: Craig at November 29, 2004 05:26 PM



>Futurism requires extension.

well, quite.

Posted by: pf at November 29, 2004 05:46 PM



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