January 03, 2005

Just say No



Posted by nick at January 3, 2005 10:05 AM




Why Don't They Like Us, Heinrich?
famous hitler cartoon illustrated with history made by america

I go:

everybody likes you man, congrats. -------- I don't know you from the first frog, matter of fact, haven't much time for the item either yet but here goes on the merit of your CarToon, since I already wrote this before dawn today: Don’t deny the Holocaust, ask yourself what the Holocaust could possible have been (and or, shame, STILL be) a denial of!? Trinity? If we are gonna have one, try make one work at all I’d suggest discovering the meshes, overlaps and leg ups between economics, statecraft and populism as the preferable version of body, soul and spirit (or reality, fancy and fantasy, whichever you prefer, as long as it don’t hit überdrive and spin into spoilage again like it’s been doin with judaism, christianity and islam plus many subsets thereof in both directions, moonphased bloodlettage and patrist propriety protocols both).

Can’t imagine what I mean? Well, I ain’t gonna even attempt a broad brush runaway sentence this time, I’ll take the shortcut cop out option, time is .. . .

ran up against a Haloscan comment limit here so tried again:

Ok, not fair to tease yall this much, .. . .so .. .. . you can have it all the way (though you should leave off .. . . if you still, and of course, always while you still can, . .. . . really), I can’t think of a better place to point you to at the mo than one I will warn you (starlinkwatchers) about, it’s a cult clutter of depersonalization aureolatry .. . . http://hyperstition.abstractdynamics.org/archives/004670.html Just say No
“It took me a while to understand what Jackson West meant
by ‘The Free World.’ I confused this language with the rhetoric of political liberty. Eventually I realized: the only thing he’s interested in freeing is the military apparatus itself, ‘liberating’ it from civilian captivation.
Continue reading "Just say No"

By the way this place numegrammatizes stagecraft thus: and statecraft thusly:

. .. . .. (can’t think of a better way to gently break it to you there are proffies out in them there spawning, fawning and collusionary realms pretending to pry away principledly enough and as playfully as they can but since their mommies never let’m get dirty .. .well, .. .say no more .. . no .. .let me finish . . .here:

. .. . who made a name writing about some poor french poopshooter trying to use, yoke and reckon with impersonal swarmlike unanimate forces such as dust, light, mist and the many beings to small and numerous to measure, measure up to and be responsible for for the likes of him, he never made it all the way to a clear concept of compost, not that he was insensitive to subtleties but living through the interbellum of old europe in an awful hurry and obsessed with human sacrifice one way or another), which brings me to the tie ins and ups between hormone levels confidence and reputation. There seem to basically be 2 ways to get an explosive mixture of machoness to come to be (flinging and flailing itself) about: the ways Andrew Lehman describes (see his origin(s)ofautism site explaining effects of patrism (deceit, force, deprivation, etcetera) or plain momentum of great diet, hard work absorbed by an all to rich and elitely idle generation (prussian junckers).

running short, I’ll do some so far dropped dead name dropping: Strauss, Spinoza .. . .no just kidding, the elitist and his state deifying forerunner (just bycause Strauss didn’t get the mechanics of the craft either and just went looking for all that weird people harmonizing power in personifications ((of power)), also with an eye to religion ((the vain hope to keep a dead man’s charisma alive)) are the type of level splitters and ghetto stackers I am polemicizing against (by way of contrasting peace throught trade, the latter only possible ‘on one’s good name’) here, it is of course, still, and very predictable for my regular readers (I should say most or max regular will not be very since I dish out the same old shit for foolhardy year after year, sets and flushes of them in fact): Knapp and Beckerath.

A popular and or productive nation (specialized and or able to harness natural blessings without doing so to guarantee a long term effect) sees its money and what it stands for admired, used and consumed respectively. Great, . .. at least until temptation comes along and it will (the more unstoppably so if the rethoric would sound like Hitler’s, appealing to anger felt and resentment built) and be just as hacked in half and split asunder (he was very smack in the middle of an all too dizzyingly and bedazzlingly spectacular growing public eye (which gets split down the middle like the folks ((behind the folks behind that (((evil))) eye)) targeting .. . eh . . sorry, financing them are . . .split down the middle . .eh . .sorry, competently competitive) as those sailing under cover of their own shroud so to speak, the announcement of them being found out focussed on and about to be eliminated, in short their demise, this is where irony gets sick cynical and very deadly, I dare say semitic (the dutch have a civil war on their hands they will lose if they keep on willfully refusing to recognize this race and shake it off (quick) or dilute it (slow and very painful but who knows, it may cause Holland to shine in 2222. If by that time my nome de plume is still caged up on totally failed commercial endeavours like half baked directories sold to sex shops I’d be even more severely disappointed than I am seeing this with my still very own living eyes here and now, if Google can’t even stop that shit how are we going to stop the onslaught of 10 billion flavors of islamic apocalypticisms?). Cause even in a world of relatively perfect nations the übernational, mobile, too free for it’s own good and too selfish for freedom (as in socially setting free even the perfectly deadpatient non- and presentient) type of generic, untracealbe and what (wall have) ever (you fire) money that pays the type of freedom fought for, over and bycause of will exploit tiny differences, the weak link to make stronger ones more like itself (give a bribe, get tax exemption, stratify the socially security to where it is an dangerous and relentless flogging thing instead of a safety net), it’s a desertification pyrusvirus, mireflush direplush, not to be confused with the hopelessly, ridiculously and dangerously corrupted certification hire plus .. .OK that’s it for taday planties, the ((th)ink)well is dry.

Posted by: poetpiet at January 11, 2005 10:56 AM



poetpiet - no idea what the hell this is about yet, but it's cool as the 9th circle, probably evil, and definitely welcome as a 'contribution' - hope we're going to get more ...

Posted by: nick at January 11, 2005 01:12 PM



Why Don't They Like Us, Heinrich?

Posted by: northanger at January 11, 2005 06:58 PM



I can't get blogspot (or typepad) here - it's quite annoying. Blundering bureaucratic randomness probably more oppressive than fine-tuned tyranny ...

Posted by: nick at January 12, 2005 12:10 AM



yesterday german radio cast one of the most rapid and sharp native tongues (as yet owned by homegrower thereof: volker pispers who sports the looks of those that can boast of long and tough enough wasteland passage/survival) broad, I couldn't think of a better illustration for your last line nick

Posted by: piet at January 16, 2005 12:17 PM



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