January 22, 2005

Binary Numbonanza

This is a really cool site.
[via Undercurrent]

Posted by nick at January 22, 2005 10:42 AM




How come the AOE hasn't had this guy assassinated?

Posted by: nick at January 22, 2005 01:55 PM



the '$100,000.00 PRIZE' section is really hilarious.

Posted by: Reza at January 22, 2005 02:28 PM



Love to think we could be contenders - let's get u/c to brush up on his physics

Posted by: nick at January 22, 2005 02:56 PM



why is this a cool site?

Posted by: northanger at January 22, 2005 03:12 PM



northanger is just peeved because his jargoplexing has been outdone ;)

I'm totally fascinated - I just can't tell whether this guy is a genuine renegade physicist who knows what he's talking about, or an obsessive who's picked up the lingo remarkably comprehensively. Love the idea of 'vodou physics' though...

Posted by: u/c at January 22, 2005 05:26 PM



"northanger is just peeved because his jargoplexing has been outdone" - no, not peeved. was excited when i first saw this two years ago when the site was on www.innerx.net; i focused on the connections between the iching and quantum physics & the octonion (which i was very intrigued by).

here's a quote from my notes...

"Thus consciousness may involve self-perturbations of space-time geometry. Because OR phenomena [Orch OR: orchestrated objective reduction] are fundamentally non-local, the coherent superposition phase may exhibit puzzling bidirectional time flow prior to self-collapse. You need collapse. Otherwise you're forever in pre-conscious superposition."

mention of OR led me to: Hameroff-Penrose Orch OR model. more notes:

scanning the quantum links that are popping up, this relates to the MIND-BODY PROBLEM. "Superposition" proposes that there are unlimited possibilities: "To use the hologram metaphor, the universe is a composite of billions of views of reality superimposed. From any particular viewpoint, many of the patterns cancel out because of destructuve interference. The patterns which interact constructively become the phenomena that we perceive".

We live in a multiverse where universes interact with each other through quantum interference. "The material world of 'consensus reality' is the interference pattern of the sum of all individual, subjective, realities". "The observer is necessary for observation, and for any phenomena". And that the act of observing by the oberver changes things. "There seems to be a quantum mechanical mechanism connecting the mind to the brain. The thoughts themselves tend toward archetypes that function as strange attractors in Hilbert space".

Humans are the interface through which the Universe flows --paraphrase of Buckminster Fuller

if i recall correctly, it was nick and HIS jargoplexing that was the problem.

Posted by: northanger at January 22, 2005 06:02 PM




Posted by: u/c at January 22, 2005 06:46 PM



what was a joke?

Posted by: northanger at January 22, 2005 06:52 PM



hey! where's the mmothra-man link?

Posted by: northanger at January 22, 2005 09:21 PM



oops, sorry working with 'cut and paste' when you are tired is sometimes dangerous. my appologies to Markus.

Posted by: Reza at January 22, 2005 10:06 PM



"the '$100,000.00 PRIZE' section is really hilarious" - did you see his Islam link?

i think ueue should go for it and brush up on, whatever he needs to brush up on.

Posted by: northanger at January 22, 2005 10:24 PM



Yes, i've read it ... the hyperstition's archeology division will unfold new discoveries: materials on Ka'aba, Salat, etc.

Posted by: Reza at January 22, 2005 10:33 PM



looking at Tony's pages again and his $100,000 contest made me think of the noise-to-signal // signal-to-noise problem. Tony's problem, IMHO, is that he has a lot of "noise". not a bad thing in itself ... it is though if you want your papers to be accepted but no one understands what you're talking about.

makes me wonder the difference between an Einstein and a Nash - what made them acceptable to their respective scientific / mathematic communities?

Learning Synfire Chains: Turning Noise into Signal

Posted by: northanger at January 22, 2005 11:13 PM



clarify: the difference between an Einstein or Nash versus someone like Tony.

Posted by: northanger at January 22, 2005 11:15 PM



when noise exceeds signal to the point of overload; the channel overloads and collpases but it does not result in the loss of communication; noise produces anomalies (outside the regime of correctitude that Signal-to-Noise ratio imposes itself upon the transmission at each period of time and economically 'deliver' the signal by means of negative variation of signal from noise [the regime of signal / noise]), re-invents offbeat and off-channel potentialities. When this happens you can’t propagandize any more; the sender and the receiver become the puppets of the communication. (will discuss the whole issue in a post on cospiracy theories and the macro-politics of the state)

Posted by: Reza at January 23, 2005 12:36 AM



" it was nick and HIS jargoplexing that was the problem" - what problem ;)

imagine 'science community' reservations about bino-vodun apocalyptic cosmonomy go beyond signal/noise issues

anyone with a special attachment to (2^127)-1 has to be doing something right

Posted by: nick at January 23, 2005 12:46 AM



Nick, this guy should join the hyperstition crew; at least for that prize ;)

Posted by: Reza at January 23, 2005 12:54 AM



Reza - maybe we should offer a prize? (US$1 million, for something very difficult)

Posted by: nick at January 23, 2005 01:07 AM



"re-invents offbeat and off-channel potentialities. When this happens you can’t propagandize any more; the sender and the receiver become the puppets of the communication" - yeah, it's a bit uncomfy when you can feel that hand up your ass.

"what problem" - filed under problems & mysteries - however, you are a walking problem when we factor in the vauung-component. i'm actually beginning to feel a sense of pity & compassion with your dilemma. but have no fear, i'll get over it.

"bino-vodun apocalyptic cosmonomy go beyond signal/noise issues" - that's the NOISE that needs to be removed from the discussion, it's just fluff

Posted by: northanger at January 23, 2005 01:27 AM



dilemma? you mean schizofyszion?
"it's just fluff" - ha!

Posted by: nick at January 23, 2005 01:43 AM



>>> yeah, it's a bit uncomfy when you can feel that hand up your ass.

only if that hand belongs to someone else. still thinking about the anal phase? ;)

Dear, there is no channel without noise (even despotic monarchs know this); even in the analog communication models noise is injected to a channel as a means of correctitude and delivery, without noise encryption is failed (but as Nick mentioned the issue at stake here is beyond noise / signal)

>>> that's the NOISE that needs to be removed from the discussion, it's just fluff

are you a puritan, a utopianist or what? ;)

Posted by: Reza at January 23, 2005 02:12 AM



not fair. you guys are ganging up on me.

what's a "something very difficult" you wanna solve for $1million us dollars?

Posted by: northanger at January 23, 2005 02:31 AM



reza, what email address should i cc you?

Posted by: northanger at January 23, 2005 02:32 AM



>>> not fair. you guys are ganging up on me.

ok, I accept, it was not a fair play. :)

>>> reza, what email address should i cc you?

thanks! emailing it to my gmail account is fine (click on my name [exclude No])

Ok, i should rest ... good morning / night everyone!

Posted by: Reza at January 23, 2005 02:53 AM



Given that no particular secrets involved, using this space to remark:
1) Decaplex - think I'm into the zone. Since whole process at this point requires quasi-arbitary axiom sets, imagining a certain amount of experimentation might be required (+ discussion thread, here or at the House of Dread?)
2) KOM ++ amazing. Need some study time. Major thanks for that.

Posted by: nick at January 23, 2005 08:25 AM



KOM, there's more.

Posted by: northanger at January 23, 2005 09:22 AM



nick, you've spent longer 'studying' than me - my assumption is that decimal reduction vectors form similar holey patterns to prime-series, meaning that even if some warlord has taken half the 1-10 set there will always be spaces for resistance.
The major problem imho = how to introduce the necessary 'energy supply/weather' element in a way that doesn't seem arbitrary. (Brainwave : maybe numbers could be propelled around the board by 'the suturing placeholder of lack', LOL!)
Agree on experimentation, just need to make it a controlled experiment if only for the sake of bandwidth/processor throttling.
I'm hoping for some suggestions on terminology tweaking from you too.

Posted by: u/c at January 23, 2005 10:29 AM



started dread thread on this.

Posted by: u/c at January 23, 2005 10:43 AM



Northanger - sure there's more - also: Khattak/Oddubb/Murrumur mesh # total = 66, KOM = 66 = NET

u/c - heading over to your thread.

Posted by: nick at January 23, 2005 11:24 AM



Khattak/Oddubb/Murrumur - have you checked the nummy with those names?

Posted by: northanger at January 23, 2005 01:22 PM



northanger - that raises a very interesting q. about 'qabbalistic depravity' (synthetic qabbalism) - the Stillwell/Vysparov names are based on phonetic clusters which Stillwell referred back to a seemingly unrecorded (in writing) palaeo-Nma decimal alphabet, so the English versions are sort of suspect as currently existing (i freely frick around with them) - the temptation of course is to predetermine 'acceptable' gematria outcomes - innocence can be hard to find - so 'Khattak' (fricked about with) comes out perfectly ... but it's reasonable to suspect only due to pseudoqabbalistic tinkering ...
Anyway, the KOM thing is as sound as anything is going to be in this swamp ...

Posted by: nick at January 23, 2005 01:54 PM



why do you think 'Khattak' comes out perfectly?wouldn't 'Khattak' prefer being 'Khatak'? [maybe organic is better than acceptable?] - funny you should mention this, i'm working on my astro post and meaning emerges without me having to "form it" & i'm surprised at what's showing up -- don't know if i'm on the same current here, as you are about all this.

the kom was one of the weirdest experiences i've had to date ... i take that back, it's now the SECOND weirdest experience ... this, is very surprising (and validating):

GON1 [51+15]= 66 = [BABALON+AL]
AQ 66 = 6+6=12=3 = KOM

GON1 3 = KOM

Posted by: northanger at January 23, 2005 02:31 PM



northanger - know you're just coming out to play over there in the land of the free, but i've got to find oblivion fast
KOM was one of the qabbalistic keys to the 0D/Ccru Syzygy event - as you say, without us having to 'form it' ... quite stunned to have it return in this way, through its own insistence (still have to re-read your KOM text, and - goes without saying - fascinated to see anything more you have on it)

Posted by: nick at January 23, 2005 03:15 PM



"0D/Ccru Syzygy event" - which event?

Posted by: northanger at January 23, 2005 07:56 PM



northanger - MKP will tell the story much better than i can and he seems to be on a microhistory roll at the moment, so it could be soon ...

Posted by: nick at January 24, 2005 08:50 AM



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