The last line of this travel report from North Korea is quite literally the killer.
Is this the face of 'intuitive politics' (modernized hardwired monkey nightmare), or something else?
"a North Korean Holy Trinity - father, son and Great Mum"
It's (back to) the Cult of Lenin, the Cult of Stalin, the worship of mass-murdering secular deities.
The old D&G question: why does desire desire its own repression?
or: Why does the human brain derive so much pleasure from political masochism?
Posted by: sd at October 30, 2005 09:15 PMIn modern times relatively few tyrannies managed to reach this pitch of religious personality worship: Germany under Hitler, China under Mao, North Korea as shown, but probably not Cuba, Vietnam, perhaps even Russia. Something very deep and gone in the human animal is obviously triggered - something that must be part of the religious wiring IMHO.
Posted by: Nick at October 31, 2005 12:29 AMApologies for tautological emptiness of previous, remains the case however that significant distinctions suggest themselves at a threshold where tyranny crosses over into something at least quasi-divine (D&G-style despotism). Hard to know whether this tells us more about the essence of politics or of religion.
Posted by: Nick at November 1, 2005 10:40 AM